
Rivercrest Angus Ranch

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Business Wide View Podcast

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BWV Podcast - Rivercrest Angus Ranch

Alberta Angus Hall of Fame "Contemporary Breeder" 2016 Recipient

Rivercrest Angus are proud recipients of the 2016 Alberta Angus Association Contemporary Breeders Award.  The recognition of four generations of the production of Angus cattle from the pioneer days in the 1930's to today is a heartfelt honor.  We are thankful for the quality people we've had the pleasure to interact with over the years to make this a rewarding lifestyle, even through the tougher times.  Thank you to all and we look forward to contributing to the future success in the Angus industry.

Also extending our congratulations to Pakowki Ranching (Dennis & Kim Ulrich) Commercial Breeder of the Year recipients, Angus Acres (Bill & Hjordis Armitage) Breed Builder of the Year recipient, and Shiloh Cattle Company (Blake Morton & Dennis Olesky) Purebred Breeder of the Year.

About Us

Black Angus have been the foundation of the Spady cattle program for over 70 years. In 1937, Jack Spady, my grandfather purchased two purebred Angus cows and a bull from a drover passing through. He paid three and a half cents a pound for the bull who weighed 2,400 pounds and two cents for the cows which weighed 1,400 and 1,600 pounds. A lot of water has passed under the bridge since then. Over the past years we have watched Angus cattle come into their own.

Tom Spady, my father, started the Rivercrest registered Black Angus herd in 1955 from the Valleymere seed stock. Rivercrest Angus genetics have provided seed stock to Scotland, Mexico, Russia and the USA, plus herd bulls to many top Canadian herds, both purebred and commercial. Dad gave me my first Rivercrest cow when I was 10 and I haven't looked back since. Dad and I continue to raise quality Black Angus cattle under traditional ranch conditions to this day.

The two ranches are located in east-central Alberta along the Battle River. Please feel welcome to visit us anytime.
